School At Home: 10 Ways to Make Your Day More Sustainable


Earth Day is celebrated annually across the United States on April 22. While it’s a day dedicated to appreciating our planet, it also exists to bring awareness to the state of our Earth and what we can do to make it a better place. 

This year’s Earth Day theme is “Invest in Our Planet”, and as the world faces rising environmental issues such as deforestation, climate change, and global warming, it’s time to take initiative to create a sustainable Earth for ourselves and future generations to come.

Helping our environment isn’t as complicated as you may think—you can easily invest in our planet’s health at home. This year, members of Laurel Spring School’s Environment Club have compiled a list of small decisions we can make every day to help and invest in our planet. Take a look at these 10 helpful tips (and why you should use them) to make your school day at home more sustainable. 

Follow these 10 tips from Laurel Springs School’s Environmental Club to make your school day more sustainable

Gabriel, Environmental Club Member, Grade 7

Tip 1: To make your day more sustainable, you need to reuse items. 

Why: Reusing items saves the energy it takes to dismantle and re-manufacture products. Try reusing an item before taking it to be recycled. 

Tip 2: Try not to buy physical toys and play on any of your devices instead. 

Why: Toys, when they’re made of plastic and other materials, can take years to break down. If you’re not interested in reusing an item, you can also donate it to reduce waste and give it to someone who might enjoy it instead. 

Tip 3: Try walking, using a bicycle, or using any other magnetic or electric vehicle that does not cause pollution.

Why: When vehicles use our fossil fuel supply, it contributes to creating greenhouse gases, resulting in global warming. Anything using renewable energy, like electric cars or solar panels, are eco friendly and reduce your carbon footprint.

Lilia, Environmental Club Member, Grade 4

Tip 4:  If a plant dies, it can be used as fertilizer in the soil. 

Why: This is a good method of using our ecosystem’s natural resources to make more. More plants give our Earth more life. 

Tip 5: Turn off running water when you brush your teeth and the lights off during the day. 

Why: These two tips help conserve your resources and save energy.

Tip 6:  Use lemon juice to get rid of ants rather than poison. 

Why: Poisons are not only harmful to pests, but they affect our planet. Natural remedies won’t cause harm to our environment. 

Emily, Environmental Club President, Grade 12

Tip 7: Take e-notes rather than using paper.

Why: Unfortunately, paper production uses our natural resources and contributes to deforestation. Plus, using e-notes on a tablet or laptop makes your notes accessible to you at any time.

Tip 8: Reduce the amount of pre-packaged food you eat at home. 

Why: Pre-packaged items create more waste. If you can, make the effort to purchase foods in eco-friendly, biodegradable packaging. However, if that's not an option, recycle the plastic or cardboard your food comes in.

Tip 9: Keep extra silverware, cloth napkins, reusable straws, coffee cups, and a water bottle in the car for takeout, coffee runs, water refills, and more.

Why: Disposable silverware piles up in our landfills. Having reusable items reduces excessive pollution.

Tip 10: Compost food scraps. 

Why: Composting is an eco-friendly way of getting rid of biodegradable waste. Plus, it makes great soil for any of your plants.

What else can you do on Earth Day, and every day?

It’s up to us to take care of the Earth, and you don’t have to wait until Earth Day to start. After implementing these tips in your everyday routine, visit to determine your ecological footprint and learn more about potential solutions. You can also look at the following list for more ways to invest in our planet

In my work as the advisor for the Laurel Springs Environmental Club, I am continually inspired by the level of commitment that club members display as they come together each month to discuss environmental issues. They share knowledge and support one another in learning how to live more sustainably, and they take their actions into their families and communities,” says Jayne Selwa, Laurel Springs Environmental Club advisor.

The Laurel Springs Environmental Club is just one example of our diverse offerings of 30+ clubs and activities at Laurel Springs, inspiring students to explore and pursue their interests while collaborating and socializing with their peers. 

Explore our variety of clubs and activities and learn more about Laurel Springs School’s social opportunities by contacting us today.