New Year, New View: Spruce up Your Study Space


When you’re a remote student, online learning can happen anywhere. Whether you set up a desk in a bedroom, take over a corner of the couch, or set up a lawn chair outside, the world is your classroom. Of course, there are some key elements to any study space. See if yours is currently missing any essentials and think about revamping your little learning corner in the new year. 

6 Study Space Essentials

Look around your designated study space. What does it look like? Organized? Bright? Minimalist? How does it make you feel? Calm? Comfortable? Inspired? Where you decide to do your best work should make you feel like your best self. If you’re not currently happy in your chosen environment, see if it may be missing some of these essential elements. 

  1. Lighting. Sure, you want to be able to clearly see your work, whether it’s on paper or a computer screen. But light can also affect your mood. Natural light is usually the best option. Try moving closer to a window and see if connecting to the outdoors offers added stimulation. If natural light isn’t available, change out your overhead lamp to a brighter bulb that simulates daylight.
  2. Seating. You want to be comfortable. If that means you’re perched on a pillow or sitting up straight on an ergonomic desk chair, make sure you have the best seat in the house for brining out your best work. 
  3. Technology. Obviously, online learning requires a few key devices—like a computer and Wi-Fi connection. While a laptop is more versatile for on-the-go learning, a desktop computer may work better for those who prefer to set up a more stable space. You get to decide on all the extras, including monitor size for easier viewing, wireless accessories like keyboard and mouse, and a headset for more privacy.
  4. Supplies. Even though a computer is equipped with various note-taking tools, you may still want to invest in some good ole fashion school supplies to fully suit your needs. Stock up on folders, notebooks, pencils, highlighters, markers, dry-erase boards, and other study tools to make your academic life the best it can be. Also, having a calendar, agenda, or planner can help you prioritize assignments, keep track of deadlines, and literally schedule your life around school.
  5. Storage. Now it’s time to organize your space, especially if you splurged on all those supplies. If you don’t have desk drawers to fill, line your wall with bins or shelves. For those more on the go, keep a backpack at the ready. If you migrate from place to place around the house, turn a rolling cart into your traveling classroom.
  6. Inspiration. What gets those creative juices flowing? Is it bright colors? Blaring music? Favorite photos? Motivational posters? Whatever sparks the light inside, keep it front and center in your learning space.

Make it Your Own

While your own personal “classroom” doesn’t need to resemble one in a traditional brick-and-mortar school, it’s still important to have a space that’s conducive to focusing on academics. Every student finds comfort and efficiency in different design elements and supplies—it’s not a one-size-fits-all setup. Additionally, an effective learning environment can vary by age—what works for high school students may not be appropriate for elementary schoolers. However, one thing is universal, it has to be what works for you.

You’re on your own learning journey, so strap yourself in to enjoy the ride by being in your own learning space. Whether you spread out in an entire room or commandeer a closet, it’s your choice. Make it whimsical or more toned-down. However you decide to design it, it’s important for it to be comfortable, welcoming, well-equipped, and all about you. 

Need some inspiration? See how other Laurel Springs students designed their space