Elementary School 1st Grade Courses

Online 1st grade can provide a range of learning opportunities and courses for young students. The virtual classroom setting can offer a flexible and personalized learning experience tailored to each child’s individual needs. Courses typically cover a range of subjects, including language arts, math, science, and social studies. LSS 1st Grade online environment can help foster important digital literacy skills, which are increasingly important in today’s world.

1st Grade

  • English

    This 1st Grade English course will teach students to identify and write all letters, produce letter sounds and also frequently used phonograms. Students will also master weekly sight words and reading and comprehension strategies to grow as readers.

  • Social Studies

    Students will explore basic fundamentals of social studies including map skills, cardinal directions, and will begin to examine maps of the U.S. and the globe. They will also be introduced to important figures from American history such as Pocahontas, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Clara Barton. A skill that students will practice throughout the course is retelling stories. Students will also make maps of their homes, neighborhoods, as well as a personal timeline. The second semester has a focus on introductory economics. They will study bartering, goods and services, jobs in the community, and how the marketplace works. Another focus is on positive character traits such as honesty, what the aspects of personal responsibility are, and how to help and respect others.

  • Math

    During the first semester, students will build fluency with basic math facts. They will learn to count to 100, basic addition and subtraction facts, and how to add double-digit numbers. Students will be introduced to such new concepts as word problems, Venn diagrams, and basic geometric concepts. There is an emphasis on learning practical skills such as reading thermometers, looking at maps, and understanding the value of coins. During the second semester, students will begin counting by twos, fives, and tens. They will learn both vertical addition and subtraction. Students are introduced to multiplication and division and the signs used in those operations. They will also study even and odd numbers. Students continue their exploration of geometric shapes through drawing and apply what they learn about shapes by sorting various figures in Venn diagrams. They will also use a balance beam to understand the concept of weight—lighter versus heavier. Throughout the course, students will have multiple opportunities to practice new skills and knowledge through using integrated online practice problems.

  • Science

    In 1st Grade Science, students in this course will complete projects that are designed to allow for exploration and discovery. Students observe their surroundings and through observations of the natural world conduct inquiries into topics related to their healthy development. Students in this course will complete projects that are designed to allow for exploration and discovery. Students observe their surroundings and through observations of the natural world conduct inquiries into topics related to their healthy development.

  • Health & Wellness

    Health & Wellness offers a balanced approach to health instruction that helps students develop a healthy foundation. Students learn important life skills, such as how to manage stress, resolve conflicts, set health goals, and make responsible decisions. The course also focuses on promoting health and preventing disease.

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