Elementary School 2nd Grade Courses

    Laurel Springs 2nd grade can provide a wide range of learning opportunities and courses that build on the foundational skills developed in 1st grade. In addition to continuing their education in language arts, math, science, and social studies, 2nd-grade students may have the opportunity to explore new subjects such as health and wellness. Students have access to educational resources such as digital libraries, videos, and interactive simulations. As students progress through 2nd grade, they will develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and digital literacy.

    2nd Grade

    • English

      The 2nd grade English course will teach students to spell and write vocabulary, read more fluently, apply grammar concepts, and participate in handwriting and writing activities through thematic units. Students will also continue to master weekly sight words and reading and comprehension strategies to grow as readers.

    • Social Studies

      Students in this course will begin to explore the basic fundamentals of social studies including culture, geography, and economics. They will explore the ancient cultures of China, Africa, and the Celts. Students will learn how to locate boundaries while using a world map. They will develop a rudimentary understanding of map symbols as they locate continents, the equator, and oceans. Students will also learn to identify on a road map where they live, rivers, mountain ranges, and lakes nearby their homes. The second semester begins by introducing learners to economics and the role that money plays in every civilization. Students learn the difference between natural, human, and capital resources. The end of the course asks learners to examine the diversity of the community they live in. They will be asked to recognize the different types of people around them. Students should gain an appreciation for the differences around them and learn how having respect for others and being honest will contribute to society as a whole.

    • Math

      In this class, students will learn all about math through illustrated, step-by-step lessons that take their skills to surprising new levels. They will see numbers from a whole new point of view, and learn how to use measurements, patterns, shapes, and sizes in all parts of their lives. During the first semester, students will build fluency with basic math facts, and add and subtract within 100 to solve word problems using strategic methods. Students will also manipulate numbers to 1,000 using knowledge of hundreds, tens, and ones. They will also demonstrate arrays with repeated addition. During the second semester, students will use place value to add and subtract within 1,000. Students will measure and compare length and represent it on a number line. They will work with money and time to compare values. Lastly, they will recognize common 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes by specific characteristics.

    • Science

      2nd Grade Science introduces students to the process of observation and how important it is to the study of science. Learners will identify their five senses and why they are critical to observation. Students will use these observation skills throughout the course as they examine many different types of animals and their environments. Students will come to understand plant and animal rhythms and will perform small experiments with plants. During the second semester, students will come to understand the different groupings of animals including those with vertebrates, invertebrates, warmand cold-blooded animals, carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. They will also learn how animals communicate and the relationship between animals and humans. The course ends with the students taking a closer look at the characteristics of reptiles, insects, birds of prey, and fish.

    • Health & Wellness

      2nd Grade Health and Wellness helps young learners establish a basic understanding of the aspects of health. Students focus on the various aspects of their health and how they can make healthy choices. Topics of study include mental, emotional, family, and social health; growth and nutrition; personal health and safety; drugs and disease prevention; and community and environmental health.

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