Elementary School Electives Courses

Laurel Springs offers a range of elective courses for elementary school students. These courses provide students with an opportunity to explore and pursue their interests in areas beyond the core curriculum. Courses are designed to be engaging and interactive, incorporating multimedia resources and virtual simulations to enhance learning. Through Laurel Springs’ electives, elementary school students can explore new subjects, develop new skills, and build a foundation for lifelong learning. Overall, Laurel Springs’ elective courses offer an enriching and comprehensive online learning experience for elementary school students that prepares them for future academic and personal growth.

Electives - Grades 4-5

  • Introduction to Coding - Semester

    In Introduction to Coding, students use Coding Adventure, an educational game-based environment where students learn to code in a real programming language. Using CoffeeScript, a real-world programming language, the students learn how to develop and generate unique and personalized apps and websites. Coding Adventure fosters the development of executive functioning skills, such as problem solving and planning as well as geometric and mathematical thinking. Throughout the CodeMonkey program, students learn concepts such as statements and arguments, objects, loops, variables, arrays, functions, conditions, and boolean logic. Coding Adventure provides an easy entry into text-based coding, paving the way for students to proceed to learn advanced subjects in Computer Science, such as game design, algorithms, and data structures.

Ready to get started?

Our Elementary School program prepares your student for success now—and for life.
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