High School English Courses

We offer a range of English courses to students who wish to improve their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, as well as AP classes, to prepare students for college level coursework. Laurel Springs provides a comprehensive and engaging English curriculum to help students improve their language skills and become confident communicators.

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Sorry, there are no Private Online High School English Courses | Laurel Springs courses available for summer


AP® English

AP® English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subjects as well as the way generic conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. The college composition course for which the AP® English Language and Composition course substitutes is one of the most varied in the curriculum.

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing; A or B in English

Advanced Placement • UC Honors Approved English • NCAA Approved English


The level of rigor in these AP® English courses is equivalent to that required of students in a freshman or sophomore college course in this area of study. These courses have been audited and approved by the College Board and prepare students for the College Board Advanced Placement® examination.

This course provides high school students with college-level instruction in active, close reading, and analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of works of literary merit, students learn to consider how a work’s style, figurative language, theme, and other literary elements contribute to its meaning and cultural significance. This approach to analyzing prose and poetry allows students to establish connections, make observations about textual details, and sharpen their understanding of these nuances through their own writing. This course will effectively prepare students for the AP® Exam and to learn beyond the exam by enabling them to read, analyze, and write about complex texts.

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing; A or B in English

Advanced Placement • UC Honors Approved English • NCAA Approved English


The level of rigor in these AP® English courses is equivalent to that required of students in a freshman or sophomore college course in this area of study. These courses have been audited and approved by the College Board and prepare students for the College Board Advanced Placement® examination.

Strap your boots on and never fear, AP® Summer Bootcamp is here! Come build your confidence with our successful foundational strategies. Get a jumpstart on the close reading of academic texts and poetry. Learn how to annotate with a purpose and uncover the writer’s purpose and meaning. Engage in simulated exam practice, receive quality feedback, and walk away prepared for AP® English. This bootcamp will meet daily for a live session led by a teacher.

  • For high school students planning to take AP English
  • Daily 1-hour live sessions for five consecutive days
  • Two offerings:
    • June 16 – 20, 12 – 1 pm ET
    • July 7 – 11, 12 -1 pm ET

AP® English

AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website.
How to sign up for the AP Exam as a homeschool student

Laurel Springs does not administer AP®exams, nor do we assist students in finding a testing location. Students wishing to take an AP® exam are responsible for finding their own physical testing location and having a test ordered for them by following the process for independent students.
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